Monday, November 20, 2006

Becoming Like Wealthy Individuals

First I have to apologise sincerely for my inability to post a message last week. It was due to events beyond my control. First of all, the server where I post my messages was unusually slow and the owners were unable to get it fixed on time.

Secondly, time was not just my friend and flew so fast and I was so busy that I never realised another week had gone by. Even getting this post on has been a herculean task but thank God I've been able to do it.

Once again, my sincere apologies for the delay. I do hope I'm forgiven by my readers and I would try not to allow it happen again. Now to the week's post.............

Have you ever come across any wealthy individual that had only one stream of income? Rarely is there such a thing. They always have multiple income streams. It may be like shares in blue chip companies, several houses on which they collect rents and many other business interests they have.

On the other hand, most people who struggle only have a job to contend with while waiting to collect their pay check either weekly fortnightly or monthly. They hardly ever have another source of income to give them leverage to pay their bills.

It all has to do with one’s thinking. If you change your way of thinking about how you see money, it would surely occur to you that money is not that piece of paper we chase day in day out through physical work. Money has more to do with the kind of ideas we can generate in our minds.

Even if you are an employee as you currently read this piece, take time to study the lives of wealthy individuals. You would surely find that they own or have several investments that yield their fortunes for them.

The reason for having multiple income streams is for the simple fact that where one is having problems with one income stream, the other one or ones are still generating income while one tackles the problems with the faulty income stream.

That way, wealthy individuals are able to leave their lives comfortably, at least financially. If your desire is to create genuine wealth, then you should begin today to think and act like wealthy individuals. Begin to come up with simple ways of generating multiple income streams.

I’m not saying you should start multiple business ventures at once. No, far from it! Begin by writing down all the money generating ideas you have. Remember we’ve dealt with how to do that in a previous post on this blog entitled, How to Create Million Dollar Ideas.” When you have identified the ideas that you are really passionate about, start with only one of the ideas and nurture it with all your attention until it is able to stand firm, in terms of the income it produces.

With the extra income from that idea, begin to implement the second money making idea and so on and so forth. Notice that I have used the word “passionate” to qualify the money making ideas you want to create and implement. Without passion to carry you along, you would soon burn out and loose interest especially where you meet stiff challenges.

Passion would see you through the initial hiccups until you meet your goals on any idea. Determination and courage would make you surmount every obstacle until you achieve your goal(s). Whatever it is that is your goal, you will surely achieve it as long as you do not give up.

There you have another wealth secret!

More next week.

© copyright Gabriel Ama
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Job Versus Business Ownership: The Pros & Cons (2)

In business, one cannot rule out the possibility of making mistakes. It could mean the temporary end of the business.

However, while a business owner that understands this fact would forge ahead with the experience behind him or her and eventually achieve success, most organisations would fire an employee who makes a costly mistake.

Notice I used the word temporary because every bad experience can be overcome, every difficulty can be conquered and there is no problem without a solution.

Once you understand this, your approach to problems will certainly change from one of fear to one of a valuable learning experience.

There is a limit to the amount of money one can earn from paid employment and any increase in employees’ earnings is dependent on the organisation’s earnings because an organisation cannot pay more than a certain amount as salary to enable it meet its other financial obligations.

Secondly, one’s earning capacity as an employee is dependent on one’s efforts alone because you are paid for the work you have done for the period under consideration.

In business, one’s earnings is dependent on your effort and the efforts of employees and one’s earning capacity is therefore higher because you are the owner and are paid for everyone’s efforts.

When one is in paid employment, you are under someone’s supervision and that makes you do things you would not feel like doing: resuming work at the right time to do your job and also putting it the extra hours required to finish special projects.

As a business owner, you are free to do your own thing. But there is a time discipline that is required at the initial stage similar to when you work as an employee to allow the business grow.

You’ve got to remember this very important point because it would mean doing things when you don’t feel like even though you are the owner of the business and can do things when you want.

When you are in paid employment, there is a way things are done that you may not like and you would want a change. If your employers do not agree with your views, there is a limit to the impact you can make, even if it is a positive one.

As a business owner, you make the decisions and are free to apply whatever views you feel is necessary to carry your business to great heights. It means you must have vision as the leader of the organisation.

But you’ve also got to note that your employees that do the actual job have their own views for you to consider and apply on how to improve the business.

It would certainly make them feel as a part of the organisation and would help them come up with better views next time.

All said, which of the sides would you want to be found, employee or business owner? If your decision is paid employment, always remember that a day would surely come when your services will no longer be required and you would have to do something to fall back on.

You certainly would not want to start working at an age when you should be retiring and resting. No matter how much work experience you have in someone else’s organisation, it may not be sufficient to see you through your own business at the initial stage unless you reached the very top as CEO as an employee.

There are certain things required as a CEO who oversees all aspects of the business quite different from someone working in one department.

If it is a business owner you want to become or are already one, I encourage you to forge ahead because in your latter days in life, you would always have something to fall back on as an experienced business owner and would hand over to competent hands to carry on when you retire from active work.

Great wealth can only be gotten as a business owner for the aforementioned reasons in this piece.

More wealth secrets next week.

© copyright Gabriel Ama
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Job Versus Business Ownership: The Pros & Cons (1)

For most people, going to formal school is with the aim of finishing with good grades so that one could land him or herself with a white-collar job. The call to finish with good grades is usually from parents, relatives, and at times classmates at school.

Very few people talk about starting their own business on completion of formal school (at least the first degree). The reason is because majority of people in the world are in paid employment working for very few individuals who have gotten themselves to think outside the idea of working for others to creating employment themselves for others.

Majority who work for business owners are very rarely able to think of life as their own boss. They are so used to receiving salary either weekly or monthly that they become relaxed and assume it would continue to remain so.

Even though some people dream of becoming their own boss someday, very few are able to actualise this dream. The fear of failure and what people might say is what keeps them hanging on in paid employment.

However, Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad best selling novel said there are two possibilities for folks in paid employment: the first is for one to leave and become his or her own boss and the second is for the employer to ask his employee to leave, and the probability of the second happening is higher for everyone.

It takes a great deal of courage for one to leave a steady paying job to enter the rather uncertain terrain of business. One is not sure if what he or she ventures into would succeed, and is therefore not sure of paying his or her bills.

But the truth is, how certain is paid employment when one could be asked to go at anytime? With this uncertainty of paid employment comes the desire to increase one’s income by investing in places like the stock market so that one could have what to fall back on if asked to leave paid employment.

But again, whether one likes it or not, a day would surely come when one’s employers ask him or her to leave because he or she is no longer productive and has become a burden on the company’s resources.

It is at that stage that many realise they need to get some kind of business running – something they had been avoiding during their younger days. With no business experience, they jump into the next idea that comes into their head and invest their savings and severance benefits.

When things do not go as envisaged, which is not uncommon for a start-up business, they become jittery and start looking for another business idea. They continue this way jumping from idea to idea and before long all their savings is gone and they are back to square one with no money and as though they never worked before.

Another group of individuals work in organisations that make them look as though they are whiz kids with the Midas touch in business. They are able to analyse business ideas and provide very professional advice that would work if applied.

But outside of that office, if asked to start their own business, they would continue to analyse and analyse all business ideas they have and look for reasons why it cannot work.

Eventually, they also would not be able to start anything because they are still looking for the best idea with the most ideal conditions under which to implement them. In essence, they are waiting for everything to be right before starting.

Fortunately or unfortunately, things cannot be 100% right for one to start a business that would become world class with excellent profits in later years.

I say fortunately because history has shown over and over again (though most of us are either unaware or refuse to be aware of this fact) that every successful business started small with many challenges that had to be surmounted.

Anyone who applies the same principles would equally achieve success in his or her business endeavour.

I say unfortunately because those who want ideal conditions before doing business are living in the wrong world because it cannot happen here. You have to make the conditions right and push yourself in the direction you want to go because that is the way it works in our world.

One major difference between paid employment and owning your business is that in paid employment, you have to be there all the time to earn your living, that is, earn as you work.

In business on the other hand, you do not have to be there to earn your living because you are making use of other people’s talents and time to achieve the same objective of earning a living.

I wish to point out something here. If you say you are self employed and always have to be there for things to run smoothly, that is certainly a job and not a business. You need to put things in place to change it to a business to free you to do other things that are important to you.

Of course, it all depends on what your objectives are. Some may argue here that if you are not there, your employees would take advantage of your absence and create problems. But I know that most people would prefer others to work for them than to do it themselves always.

We may also wish to ask those who prefer to be there always how successful organisations are run. The owners of such businesses are usually not there and where they have locations in several places, they cannot be everywhere at the same time.

So it therefore means there are things they have put in place to ensure smooth operations (it may not be 100% okay in all locations) whether they are there or not.

Something else about a business is that there are usually teething problems at the beginning cause by inexperience or lack of finance, but they are certainly surmountable to enable one achieve success in his or her heart’s desires.

This is usually the stage where most individuals chicken out because they have a wrong understanding of the word failure caused by their formal school and family experience where failure is a word that should be avoided at all costs.

But as motivational speaker Anthony Robbins put it, “Success is the result of good judgement; good judgement is the result of experience and experience is usually the result of bad judgement.”

.......................To be continued next week

(c)copyright Gabriel Ama
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Form A Group With Same Vision & Purpose

There is this popular saying, “Two heads are better than one.” Whoever coined the saying must have had experience on the power available to tap from talents of more than one individual in trying to solve problems.

This apt saying equally applies in the pursuit of wealth, fame or recognition in life. It is simply not possible for one man to have the solution to all problems. He needs the co-operative effort of others, whether their time, talent or other resources.

For the purpose of this piece, we limit it to talents. In a study conducted in a University on students of a particular class, five of the most academically intelligent students of the class were separated to form study groups.

Three of the students were to study together throughout that semester while the other two students were to read individually on their own. At the end of that semester, the three students who studied as a group had better grades than the other two who studied individually.

The study showed that if two or more persons are united together with a definite purpose or mission, they are able to come up with solutions and achieve results faster than if they tried it individually on their own.

In your pursuit of genuine wealth or achievement in any field, you need the co-operative effort of others, particularly their mind power.

Note that the people with whom a group is formed MUST be united in vision and purpose; otherwise confusion would result when they are at cross purposes and this would defeat the aim of the group.

This is one reason why musical groups usually break up with their members pursuing solo careers. They were never united with a vision and purpose. Some members had their plans in their minds and were able to leave easily to carry on on their own.

Some may want to argue that at times those who pursue solo careers from such musical groups also do well. But let us not forget that the work is not done by such a person alone.

He or she still needs the co-operative efforts of others in his or her vision before the world notices that such individual has become a success.

Great achievers and exceptional leaders are able to produce better results in their fields because they surround themselves with people who are united and whose vision aligns with theirs.

The value of surrounding oneself with people who are united in purpose and vision cannot be overemphasised. Even sacred scripture attests to this fact in the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 verses 1-6.

In verse 6 it is written, “And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs.”

Even if you have to start on your own with your vision in life, at a time you would surely need the co-operative effort of others if you have a very large vision. The bigger the vision the more one needs others to be able to achieve it.

Again, remember, such group must be united in vision and purpose. I really need to emphasise this particular point. If you doubt what I’ve just said, please take a study of the reasons behind all successful organisations.

One thing you would SURELY find common to all of them is unity of purpose and vision of staff. Very important!

There you have another wealth secret.

More secrets next week.

© copyright Gabriel Ama
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Greatest Wealth Secret Ever

For years and decades on end, man has always searched for the meaning of life. Unfortunately, for the most part, man has gotten his answers from wrong sources and always ended up with the wrong results.

At times, those results seem right initially, but later circumstances and events prove that man had taken a wrong step for which he pays dearly.

In the quest for wealth, fame or recognition, most of us take very wrong steps that give us initially what seems like the results we desire but we then go ahead and indulge in things that destroy everything we thought we had achieved.

If you doubt what I’ve said, I’d like to ask at this point, why is that most people of financial success and fame are involved in taking hard drugs, alcohol and other self-destructive habits? I need not mention any names here but if you look closely or study the lives of such individuals, you’d clearly see what I’ve said here.

Stories abound in the print and electronic media of the crises they have in their lives. The truth is, most of these people have certain qualities that drives them to achieve, but they lack other qualities that would enable them sustain success for as long as they want.

It’s all a lack of understanding of what is the true meaning of our existence here on earth. Things should be done with a sense of purpose. When one takes hard drugs, narcotics, excessive alcohol, what exactly is the person trying to achieve?

Obviously there is an underlying problem that drives them to such destructive habits. The bad habit is just the result of a symptom that requires an urgent check. Having achieved success, such individuals have a vacuum that must be filled with something. Unfortunately, they fill that vacuum with hard drugs, alcohol and other destructive habits.

Whatever it is one wants to achieve in life, there is only one way to go about it for one to have a lasting success. Any other way would work initially and then things would go awry after sometime.

Once you master the principle of lasting success by using it in your daily life, you would begin to understand the true meaning of life and there is absolutely nothing that would distract you to take on a path of self destruction.

The greatest wealth secret ever is simply trust in God. The reason is quite simple and is even stated categorically in sacred scripture: “For all things are possible with God (Mark 10:27).”

Do take note that the verse did not say some things are possible with God. It said ALL things are possible with God. Trust in God is the only guarantee of a lasting success in whatever we want to achieve.

A story was told of a man who fell from a mountain side and was now hanging dangerously from a cliff. Below was a large and dark abyss where no one who fell to would ever be found, talk less of being alive. The man starting shouting at the top of his voice, “Is anyone there please, I need help?”

After a short while a voice came that asked, “what help do you require?” the man answered, “Please help me out of this cliff before I fall to my death.” The same voice then said, “Okay, let go of your hold on the cliff and I will help you.”

The man was shocked at this response and kept quiet for a while. After some time, he shouted again, “Is there no one else there?” As amusing as this story may sound, it depicts clearly the level of trust most humans have in God.

Most of us trust God to the extent we believe in our minds that He can help us. Thereafter, we resort to doing things on our own. The result? Again, I ask you to look at the world around.

All the wars, financial crises, marital crises, famine, murder, arson, larceny, envy, etc, etc point to the fact that man tries to do things on his own most of the time.

A person who trusts in God can never fail because as stated earlier from the bible, “All things are possible with God.” Regardless of one’s circumstance in life, trust in God would make the person come out unscathed whether physically, emotionally or psychologically.

So how does one develop trust in God as the greatest wealth secret? The bible, the WORD of God provides all the answers. In the word of God is found revelations and secrets for daily living that would amaze anyone. It gives direction on the true essence of life and makes one have a clearer understanding on how trust in God is the greatest wealth secret!

It is stated in Hebrews 4 verses 12-13 (New King James Version), “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”

The bible contains so many promises that we can use to commit God to honour His word when we use it in talking to Him in prayer. The Book of Numbers 23 verse 19 says, “God is not like men, who lie; He is not a human who changes his mind. Whatever He promises, He does; He speaks, and it is done.”

In the book of Isaiah 55 verses 10-11, God says, “My word is like the snow and the rain that come down from the sky to water the earth. They make the crops grow and provide seed for sowing and food to eat. So also will be the word that I speak – it will not fail to do what I plan for it; it will do everything I send it to do.”

If as you read this piece, you are in a very serious problem for which you think all hope is lost, or if you ever find yourself in such situation, there is but one place to turn to for solace: put your trust in God. He cannot and will not fail you.

If only humans understood this simple fact of life. So many things that go wrong would not be. What I’ve just revealed here is the greatest wealth secret you will ever know in life.

Even the bible confirms this fact with the passage from Matthew 6: 31-33
(New King James Version) that says, "Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?

For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Do you truly desire wealth, fame or recognition in this present life? Take the advice from the bible contained in the last two paragraphs and you will be amazed at what you are able to achieve.

More wealth secrets next week.

© copyright Gabriel Ama
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Humility As A Great Wealth Secret

Sometime in year 2002 when I still worked in a large organisation, there was this man who was made Financial Controller on transfer from another department and had to work with external auditors of the organisation.

The man was very arrogant. He had no regard for his subordinates as well as the external auditors. What made matters worse was that he was recently promoted then and he now felt that he was in the good books of his superiors and management and could therefore do as he pleased.

A friend had however, warned the man to be careful with the external auditors because their previous work on the organisation had led to the premature exit of the former managing director.

The Financial Controller turned deaf ears to this advice from his friend and carried on as though he owned the organisation. It so happened that about three months prior to their coming for the final yearly audit of the organisation’s financial accounts, the auditors had sent to the Financial Controller written information in advance of reports they wanted ready.

The Financial Controller in his usual arrogance took the document and kept in his drawer. When the auditors came for their work, the report was not ready. The Financial Controller after an initial denial that he was never given such request for information later found the request where he kept it in his drawer.

That unfortunate incident was one of many that culminated in his appointment being terminated with the organisation – and all these took place within six (6) months of his promotion.

Had the Financial Controller been more in touch with his subordinates, they would have been able to assist him in preparing the required reports. But his attitude towards them made things worse and his downfall never came as a surprise to them.

In fact, his subordinates were too happy to see him leave the organisation. Such is the price people pay when they tread the path of arrogance rather than humility. Arrogance makes people always want to become pleasers of superiors and despisers of subordinates or those they feel superior to.

On the road to genuine wealth, there is an absolute need to be humble. Some people may not want to agree with my preceding statement, but the truth is, how often do you come across someone who made genuine wealth and is also arrogant? Notice I said genuine wealth.

Its really a rare feat. Those who have achieved success, fame and wealth genuinely have learned so many valuable lessons along the way that it practically shapes their thinking.

One of the things they learn so well is the fact that the man you see today who has nothing can surely rise to any level in life in future and then have opportunities to meet with the well-known in the society.

When one is humble, you are not wont to become a crowd pleaser but rather one who has a focus on what he or she wants to achieve. Arrogant folks on the other hand are always concerned about people giving them respect and what those people think of them.

Their actions most of the time is geared towards pleasing the crowd and earning cheap popularity. In the process they lose focus on what is supposed to be their actual priority and concentrate on laundering their image in public thereby missing many valuable opportunities to prove their worth.

On the other hand, a humble person is concerned in achievement that is his main focus and is less concerned about public opinion of him because he understands fully well that a time will come when his achievements would speak for him and would be appreciated by many.

Humility helps one to think straight and do things that are considered foolish or unimportant in the eyes of the crowd. Again and again we read or hear stories of great achievers of both sexes and one of things common to them is their humility.

Unfortunately, most people never learn the lessons from such stories and go ahead to become or remain arrogant.

Even sacred scripture (Bible in Basic English) testifies to the value of humility in Matthew’s gospel chapter 23 verse 12 that says, “And whoever makes himself high will be made low, and whoever makes himself low will be made high.”

The value of humility as a wealth secret cannot be overemphasised. Humility makes one do things otherwise considered unwise by many but which will lead one to his or her destination in life.

Learn to become a humble person because it would open you to many opportunities you would miss if you chose arrogance instead.

More wealth secrets next week.

© copyright Gabriel Ama
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Definite Purpose In Life Will Result In Achievement

If your desire in life is financial success, fame or recognition, it simply means you have a goal. But that goal must be definite and should show itself in the quality and quantity of action taken in pursuit of it.

When you have a definite purpose in life, it means there are no options. It is either you get what you want or nothing else. What would have options are the many approaches you could use to attain your objective. But the goal must be definite before you can attain it.

For example, if it is your dream to be tops of your class in academic achievement, that is a goal. Your mind and all your actions must be geared towards its attainment- being punctual at school and attending classes always, getting your notes for different subjects up to date, completing your assignments, reading other reference books for a better understanding of the subjects you take, etc. All these activities, of course, are to prepare you to excel in your examinations.

If after doing all this, you are not able to attain your goal of becoming tops in class, you do not have to give up because of that. If you do, it means your purpose was not definite in the first place.

And if you really understand how the human mind works with the physical results we get, then you would understand why you should never give up on anything in life.

What should be done is to change your approach and keep working on your purpose of becoming tops in class. In addition to other activities you have been carrying out regularly, you could also form a reading and discussion group with other intelligent students in class to make for a better understanding of the subjects.

The aim of this is to help you in subjects where one is weak. You could also get other reference books that explain those subjects in a simpler language to make for a better understanding. If you keep working at it, surely, you would become tops of your class.

Such also is the case with whatever we pursue in life. You must move with a definitive purpose because it is only then that your mind would align spiritually and physically to give you the results you desire.

There should be nothing and absolutely nothing that should stop you from attaining your goal or goals once you are definite about it. You are the only one who can stop yourself by simply giving up.

It is imperative for you to understand this very important point in the preceding paragraph. Once you are not definite about the goal, giving up is the next option at the slightest challenge.

The bible gives a clear example in the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 verses 1-6 of what one can attain with a definite purpose. In verse 6 it is written, “And the Lord said, See, they are all one people and have all one language; and this is only the start of what they may do: and now it will not be possible to keep them from any purpose of theirs.”

Such is the power of the human mind when it is set on something definite. Go ahead today and become definite about the goal you want to achieve in life. Becoming definite means you will never stop until you get that which you desire, no matter what it takes. Only God and death can stop one from getting it. Nothing else can!

Do remember always, we were created in God’s image and likeness (Genesis 1:27) and so we have the power to achieve or create given to us by our loving Father himself. Use it well and attain your definite purpose in life.

More wealth secrets next week.

© copyright Gabriel Ama
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Take Giant Steps With Smaller Encouraging Goals

Nobody likes disappointments and in life it's pretty difficult to avoid them. One thing that everyone wants to have all of the time is a pleasant experience. 

Everyone loves encouraging experiences. The excitement gotten from it usually pushes one to continue doing that which gives him or her pleasure.

Unfortunately, this is also the same thing that pushes people to do wrong things in life. For example, cheating on one’s spouse through illicit love affairs, stealing funds from one’s employers, armed robbery, serial killings, paedophilia, rape, etc.

On the road to success, fame or wealth, there is a need to take giant and rather ambitious strides that will lead us to our final destination, but there is also a need to set smaller goals in between to boost our confidence to move ahead till we get there.

Achieving smaller goals where a larger one lies ahead gives us enough encouragement to carry on. Whenever we encounter challenges or set backs, we can look back on the many smaller goals achieved and know that this one or these few setbacks are just temporary.

As you read this piece and the previous posts on this blog, you certainly must have had a burning desire on something you want to achieve in life. That is your final goal. There are smaller goals in between that you would need to get past in order to get to your final destination.

Create a quiet time and ask yourself what those smaller goals are, put them in writing and place where you can see it at least twice a day – first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

For every one of the smaller goals you achieve, tick it off on the sheet you have placed in writing. As author John Maxwell advises, celebrate your achievement of every one of the smaller goals. Do this especially with people who have always and continue to encourage you in your ambition.

You’d be amazed at the morale booster this would have on helping you to forge ahead until you get to where you want. 

Such often overlooked little things make the difference between someone who is focused on achieving his goals and someone who loses hope at the slightest obstacle.

There you have another wealth secret! Put it to practice please!

More wealth secrets next week.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Taking Action As An Antidote To Worry

Most of the time, hypertension is caused by excessive worry over an incident that has not yet occurred.

Excessive worry over an incident that has not yet taken place results in fear and then hypertension and at times stroke, whether partial or full.

Something that never occurs to most individuals is that worry in itself cannot achieve anything or change the situation at hand to make it better. If anything, our health is ultimately affected by the excessive pressure that builds up in our hearts and minds as a result of things we are afraid of.

Author Napoleon Hill identified six basic fears most humans encounter in their lives:

(1) fear of poverty
(2) fear of criticism
(3) fear of ill health
(4) fear of loss of love of someone
(5) fear of old age
(6) fear of death

Napoleon Hill states further that, “Fears are nothing more than states of mind. One's state of mind is subject to control and direction”

This statement is true if we consider the fact that whenever we receive good news, our minds are in a pleasant state, but whenever we receive unpleasant news, our minds seem to be in turmoil until we can fix whatever problem there was.

Looking at the list of fears above, one could say that except for (2), (5) and (6) that are bound to happen to everyone at one time or another, the rest may not happen.

But we go ahead and begin to create in our minds different scary scenarios of what has not taken place and as a result, we find it difficult doing just about anything with the situation when it has completely taken over our normal way of thinking.

Take for instance an organisation that wants to downsize its workforce and rumours have started flying around over the imminent incident.

Some people working there who may never be affected by the exercise would begin to imagine being laid off and asking how they would face neighbours, friends, etc and worst of all, how they would survive financially.

Even though the event has not yet taken place, the fear associated with it in the person’s mind could become so powerful that the person loses the zeal to work altogether – and all these for something that may never even take place!

We’ve got to take action as an antidote to the different fears we encounter in our lives every single day. For instance, the person in the example of the organisation that wants to lay off staff should shake off whatever fears about being laid off and immerse him or herself in their work.

This is because the fear is simply a state of that person’s mind and if he or she loses zeal to work as a result of such fear, it could eventually lead to the person being laid off by the organisation due to reduced productivity and not because he or she was to be laid off along with others as earlier feared.

Taking action makes you forget what you fear. When you are in a state of fear, you find it difficult doing anything because most times you are sitting or lying still with your mind immersed in thoughts of what you do not want to happen.

But if you confront the fear and take action, the fear reduces and will disappear and you become happy when you achieve something significant from your action.

For instance, if you are an employee in an organisation given a new task different from what you are used to, one could become afraid of what may happen if it fails.

And this could be discouraging if such thoughts are allowed to persist on one’s mind. When eventually you do take action on the task and succeed in the process, the fear gives way to a mindset of accomplishment!

The same thing applies when we have something definite to achieve in life as an ambition. Whenever you confront an obstacle on the road to achievement, one of the first things is for one to become afraid and want to give up. But you must confront that obstacle and take action.

Most of the time, you’d be delighted to note that you were able to overcome your fear not by worrying over it but by taking action until you got results.

Always remember that on the road to fame, wealth and achievement, its not the efforts you put in the process that counts but the results you get from your efforts.

And that is precisely what the world wants to see – results.

When you remember this always, your state of mind would always be ready for action and not paralysed by fear of what may never happen! Whenever you are confronted with fear over an incident that has not or may never take place, just take action.

Action could come through saying a prayer, sharing your fears with someone who ALWAYS gives you valuable and encouraging advice, asking yourself questions that would help you come up with action plans that lead to a solution, etc.

Whatever it is, just take action to overcome your fears and achieve the results you sincerely and wholeheartedly desire.

More wealth secrets next week.

© copyright Gabriel Ama
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Focusing on Your Goals In Life

Human memory is very short. A clear example of this is seen in the true statement made by someone who said, “Examination is a few days of high density knowledge followed by a life time of ignorance.”

If you have ever passed through any kind of formal school where you had to write tests and exams, you’d see the truth in this statement. When preparing for the test or exams, you have so much in your head that it seems as though it would remain there forever.

But after writing the test or exams, it is pretty difficult to recall all the stuff put in your head just the previous day. When your test or examination scripts come and you look at what you wrote down, you’d wonder if it was really you who wrote all those things down.

An advantage of the shortness of the human memory, though, is seen when people’s memories of past hurts are not as painful as when it first occurred – the pain is usually not the same as when the incident first happened and with time, one tends to forget the pain but not necessarily the incident.

As the world marks the fifth anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center, those who lost their loved ones may not feel the same kind of pain they felt then when it first occurred five year ago. Such is the case with the human memory.

A disadvantage of the shortness of human memory is where one could lose focus on what they want to achieve in life. As you read this piece over the internet, its possible you may have tried to do other things before settling down to this. Have you ever noticed how difficult it could be at times to stay focused on one website on the internet?

You could find yourself jumping from website to website and after almost an hour, you wonder how you spent the time and if you really achieved anything. The same could be the case with trying to keep focused on achieving our heart’s desire in life.

It is possible one has read so many self development, motivational and inspirational materials and even listened to similar audio and video tapes – but then comes a small or several challenges and one immediately forgets all the inspirational materials, the goals they want to achieve and then focus instead on the problems.

This has a paralysing effect that could kill ambition altogether if left unchecked. One could feel the goal is not achievable given the number of obstacles to surmount. There would now be a fight between keeping your mind focused on your goals and keeping your mind focused on the obstacles.

In his letter to the Romans Chapter 7 verse 15, St. Paul makes a similar reference concerning human behaviour when he says, “I do not understand what I do; for I don’t do what I would like to do, but instead I do what I hate.”

Drawing an analogy from St. Paul’s comments, what you would like to do is focus on your goals, but you find yourself focusing on what you would hate - the problems keeping you from reaching your goal.

So how does one overcome this challenge of trying to stay focused on our goals in the face of seeming obstacles? It would do you good to remember that it is thoughts we put in our minds that are responsible for the way we feel at any given time.

The first thing to do then is changing the way we think. How? There are times when you just feel that achieving your ambitious goal may be beyond your reach and you want to give up. Anthony Robbins in his book, “Awaken the Giant Within” advocates breaking the limiting thoughts on one’s mind by radical acts of excitement like jumping up and shouting whenever one feels weary over a situation.

Of course not many people would have the courage to do such things, but as long as you remember that it is you that should change first then your situation, you’d be willing to try things to get you out of a bad mood.

Focusing on the challenges would only wear you down further. But focusing on your goals would keep you in perspective on what you really want in life. Unless you’ve never been told before, there is absolutely no situation in life that cannot be remedied.

As Henry David Thoreau said, “Things do not change; we change.” Rene Descartes said, “It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.” So next time you find yourself getting worked up over a challenge in the way of your life’s ambition, do something immediately to get the thoughts out as fast as possible from your mind.

Go look in a mirror and talk to yourself. Keep telling yourself CONTINUOUSLY “God will make a way.” It is a statement of faith and it would surely calm you down. Always remember as stated in Matthew’s gospel Chapter 7 verse 7, “Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.”

"For with God, ALL things are possible" – Matthew 19:26.

More wealth secrets next week.

© copyright Gabriel Ama
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!