Monday, February 28, 2011

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness

During the Sermon on the Mount where our Lord Jesus was advising people who worry about food, clothes, drinks and needs things of life, he said in the gospel of Matthew 6:33, “Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what he requires of you, and He will provide you with all these other things”.

Sometimes, we hear people who say when they have made it in life then they will serve God. By making it, such individuals mean having money to live the good life and buy whatever they want.

The question now is how easy is it to make it and serve God? Stories abound of many known and wealthy individuals, businesspersons, actors, actresses, musicians, sportsmen and women, etc who have the wealth but indulge in destructive habits that sometimes lead to their death.

There are those who believe you cannot serve God and become wealthy because as a businessperson, one has to engage in vices to achieve and those who engage in vices cannot serve God. Such people have the motto, “if you cannot beat them, join them”.

But we see Jesus tell us in scripture to first seek God’s Kingdom and God will provide all our needs including wealth. So what exactly did Jesus mean by this?

What Jesus meant is contained in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you the right way”.

Now what most people are unaware of is the power that resides inside of them as given by God Almighty. This is possible because we are created in God’s image and likeness. God calls men gods in Psalm 82:6, so we are able to do the things God does as evidenced by the many astounding miracles of Jesus.

For instance, Jesus walked on water, turned water into wine, raised people from the dead, fed over 4,000 and 5,000 people at different times, cast out demons, instructed the wind and waves to be calm, cursed a fruitless tree that withered and so on and so forth.

Every Christian who has faith can perform these same miracles! This is a statement of fact. But you cannot have the kind of faith to do such great feats unless you have connected your mind with the mind of God.

There is only one way to connect your mind with the mind of God and that is through your thoughts. This is exactly how you seek first the Kingdom of God and what He requires of you.

For if you are able to connect your mind with the mind of God, you will always be directed in His righteousness and you will always be able to have whatsoever you want!

This is only possible when you are able to think sanctified thoughts. The individual who connects his mind with the mind of God will achieve whatsoever he or she wants.

Whatever you think consistently will happen and when you connect your mind with God, He will direct you to right achievement consistently too via your thoughts.

You will come to understand that the way to genuine achievement in life is when you do not engage in wrongdoing but are able to trust God completely by faith because God can never fail. It is that simple and it is very possible for those who believe.

This is why Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God and what He requires and God will provide what you need.

© copyright Gabriel Ama

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