Saturday, October 30, 2010

Are You Waiting For Everything to be Perfect before Starting?

Starting a new business could somewhat be a daunting task if approached from a wrong perspective and lack of understanding. 

For one, while I have advocated in an earlier post the need to have a plan in place, it is equally important to point out that as mortals, one cannot have all the details. That role belongs to God because He alone is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.

In creating a business plan, what you need is basically what to get you started:

(1)   The objective or need you are trying to create a business or service to address.

(2)   The resources you need to get started (office, office equipment, staffing, finance, etc)

(3)   The marketing plan

(4)   A financial projection (cash flow projection)

(5)   Opportunities available to grow the business

(6)   Likely challenges to encounter

This article focuses more on (6) because as I said earlier, if one tries to list all likely challenges, it could lead to a total discouragement, loss of confidence and abandonment of the idea altogether.

What one needs to understand is that everything cannot be complete before starting a business. There are those challenges overlooked more out of inexperience than out of ignorance, which overtime would become clearer to handle as the business grows.

For instance, one cannot totally plan to prevent a natural disaster (flooding, earthquakes, fires, etc) but rather, the plan should be how to recover if this anomaly ever occurs. This helps to keep one mentally prepared and in the right frame of mind to keep moving to resolve challenges.

 Another example I can give is how to recruit the right staff. In today’s world, there is so much emphasis on getting rich quick that most young people are looking for ways to hit it big within the shortest possible time.

If one hires such a person for his business, there is likely to be problems since the person’s focus will always be short term and not long term success; but that also should not stop one from hiring staff for their business. 

What should be done is to take the pain to look for people of right character and not just skills.

As leadership expert and author John Maxwell pointed out, it is easier to teach skills to a staff than to teach character.

I will end with the words of author Mark Victor Hansen who said, "Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what?  Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful."

There you have another wealth secret! Now go out there and begin to shine and achieve the success of your dreams.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!---

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Brain Exercise is very Important

Research has shown that just as exercise is good for the body for those who want to be healthy and fit, so brain exercise is good for those who wish to be successful.

The reason is that ability to think and solve problems is key for the individual who desires success. Now since the brain is the organ of thought and problem solving, one should utilize it constantly through stimulating activity or else it loses its usefulness resulting in senility.

Research has shown that when the brain is underutilized, its cells die off without replacement and that in itself is the very reason an individual who has read this should ensure to engage frequently in activities that increase brain activity.

By its structure of composition of over 100 billion cells linked together, the brain is indeed the most complex natural computer capable of activities highly impossible for human made computers. It is therefore one of the most important organs of the body that should not be left to waste but used actively to achieve feats.

Unfortunately, most of us are unable to utilize this magnificent creation of God called the human brain. In fact, even those referred to as genius are only able to use a tiny fraction of their brain researchers put at about 15% of its capacity. Non-utilization of the brain is in fact responsible for things like memory loss, senility, Alzheimer’s and other diseases that affect it.

The under listed are therefore activities that the individual who desires success should engage in to stimulate the brain regularly to keep it active for use to solve problems:

(1)   Engage in discussions of a creative nature with intelligent people. By this, I do not mean getting into arguments to prove a point because that will cause emotional stress, which is counterproductive for the brain.

Rather, engage in positive conversations that bring out the best in your ability to articulate your points clearly on issues.

(2)   Make out time to be alone to engage in creative thinking. Creative thinking is simply looking at a challenge you have and coming up with solutions that leaves you with a happy feeling inside. This is quite different from just looking at the problem in your mind, not coming up with any solution and feeling despondent, which will increase your stress level.

(3)   Eat foods that are healthy for the brain to increase its power through the nutrients they provide like vitamins A, B, C and E. Examples of such foods are vegetables, legumes, fruits, boiled eggs, whole grain breads, cereals, etc. Supplements like garlic, niacin, B-complex and folic acid are also good for the brain and should be taken regularly.

(4)   Engage in regular aerobic exercise. As aerobic exercise keeps the body healthy and fit through oxygen supply, it also helps to burn fat in the bloodstream that can clog the arteries and prevent blood supply to the brain.

Notice here I have made mention of aerobic exercise and not anaerobic. Simply explained, aerobic exercise is that in which you can be doing and still be able to engage in conversation with someone without having to wait to catch your breath.

(5)   Avoid situations that give emotional stress. Avoid arguments with people who
do not share the same vision with you; prevent negative thoughts from getting into your mind and focus your thoughts and attention more on things that leave you feeling elated most if not all of the time.

Take time to talk a walk through a garden or park where you can admire the beauty of God’s creation, enjoy the scenery, visit new places and generally enjoy yourself thoroughly.

(6)   Read literature that stirs up your spirit positively – the Holy Bible,
 motivational books, true stories of courage and skill, etc.

All these help to stimulate your brain and retain its cell for creative thinking and problem solving. If only we understood the magnitude of God’s creation in the human brain and can put it to effective use.

If only we understood that there is no problem without a solution as long as we are willing to think it through using the genius computer of our brains to do so. If wealth, fame, success in whatever endeavour is your desire in life, begin to engage today in activities that stimulate your brain and then use the power of your brain to think through and solve problems.

Before long, you will get there. There you have another wealth secret!

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Do you hate what you really want?

If I were to pose a question on what people want the most, the overwhelming response would be money because of the important role it plays in our everyday lives.

However, it is sometimes interesting to hear the comments people make about those who have money. These comments usually portray money as something to be despised and more especially, you hear comments like, “money is the root of all evil”. 

Those who use this quote are actually referring to a verse in the Holy Bible in 1 Timothy 6a:10 that says, “for the love of money is the root of all evil”. Take note that it says the love of money and not money itself that is the root of all evil.

Unfortunately, people continue to make these wrong statements concerning money and at the same time want to have it. Such conflicting statement is one reason they are unable to get money because you simply cannot have what you have professed as being evil; and it is an obvious fact that no sane mind would want evil in their lives.

I say this because there is a spiritual angle to the words we speak and so we ought to be careful about what comes out of our mouths because as Jesus Christ said in Matthew’s gospel 15: 18, “But the things which come out of the mouth come from the heart”

Since the words we speak originate from the heart, then emotions are involved and since emotions are involved, there is a spiritual link to it. The thoughts that originate from those words pass from our conscious into our subconscious minds and create the effects in the physical.

This is equally why we do not have to despise those the source of whose wealth we are unsure. This is a sign of envy that does one no good. If this is what has been your practice, my advice today is you change your thought process towards them and learn to appreciate what God has done in their lives.

This way, you open up and attract sources unseen and unknown to you through which you make progress towards attainment of wealth or success in whatever endeavor you seek. 

Finally, I end by quoting the wisdom of sacred scripture in James 3: 14-16, “But if you have bitter envy in your heart and the desire to get the better of others, have no pride in this, talking falsely against what is true. 

This wisdom is not from heaven, but is of the earth and the flesh and the Evil One.  For where envy is, and the desire to get the better of others, there is no order, but every sort of evil-doing”.

There you have another wealth secret!

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

How do you spend your 24 hours?

Leadership expert and author John Maxwell said his father used to tell him, in life, you either pay now and play later or play now and pay later. 

In case you don’t get the gist of this statement, it simply means the way you spend your time everyday is important.

As you cannot sow wheat and expect to reap grapes, so it is that the individual who does not use his or her time properly cannot expect to reap fruitful dividends at the end of the day.

Life is such that the individual who desires success must make a conscious effort at spending quality time everyday in the direction of his or her goals. Time management is key to distinguishing the disciplined individual from the undisciplined.

Take for instance an accomplished athlete in any field. What the world sees on the field of play is the result of several weeks, months and even years of disciplined practice on a daily basis. 

The background work that leads to success is what many are unfortunately unwilling to undertake but still expect somehow that magic would work and they would become like the winner someday.

How further could that be from the truth! If you have a goal to attain success or wealth or fame or achievement in any field of endeavour, you must have a detailed written plan of action. 

Putting this action plan in writing is a first sign of accomplishment because it also takes a lot of time and effort to get it done.

Thereafter, the next thing to do is to assign timelines to each action plan and ensure to work within those time lines to reach each milestone of achievement. 

As you do this, you begin to get excited and before long, your achievements are visible for all to see. That is when the world takes notice and commendations come from all angles on your efforts.

Take note that everyone born into this world is given 24 hours everyday for free. How you decide to use those 24 hours is entirely up to you; however, the beauty of life is those who use theirs productively will always have a happy tale to tell at the end while those who use theirs unproductively would also have tales to tell at the end but of a sad type.

As one cannot reverse the hands of time to change already done deeds of the past, one can learn from them and begin to use their daily time productively to achieve desired results. 

At the start of everyday, you can choose what you want to do from your action plan. At the end of that day, you should also commit to accounting for your use of time so you know if you are headed in the right direction.

I end by once again restating an important fact: successful individuals use their time well. There are those who are well engaged even for the rest of this year up till 2012. 

If you ever come in contact with such an individual, you would notice they hardly have time for frivolities because to them every second is important.

Use your time well based on a well defined action plan towards your goal if success, achievement or fame or accomplishment in any field of endeavour is your ultimate goal in life.

There you have another wealth secret!

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Sunday, October 03, 2010

The Need for Integrity

The person of integrity is described as forthright, honest, truthful, reliable, upright, trustworthy, etc. These are qualities anyone who seeks success or achievement in any endeavour is expected to possess.

The reason for this is not far-fetched – everyone wants to deal with a person whose character is spotless so they can go to sleep peacefully knowing there won’t be negative issues to handle in their dealing with such person.

Having said this, it is sad to observe so many individuals of doubtful character out there; people who are ready to deny their actions, dupe unsuspecting allies and cause pain to others for their own selfish interest.

It is because of these unfortunate activities that many reliable people are unable to get required help because the potential helper has probably suffered in the hands of a fraudster and is now unwilling to trust anyone.

The reliable person who after a while becomes frustrated from inability to get required help has a threshold of resistance to wrong doing and may soon afterwards begin to engage in dubious acts to earn a living or to achieve his or her heart’s desires.

At the end of a long period of such wrong acts, the individual eventually comes to a period of regret and wishes the hands of the clock could be turned back so he or she never engaged in wrong doing.

I have tried here to describe a cycle of life that has made the world a rather painful place for many to live in. There are millions of people out there who would never have contemplated living a life engaging in insincere acts but as they usually put it, they had no choice at the time because of their circumstances.

Fortunately, even with such group of people who claim they were forced by their circumstances at the time to engage in insincere acts, there are those who would insist that absolute nothing can ever make them follow such path. These set of people are like a little light in a darkened world.

They are taunted for their forthrightness, mocked, insulted and often times they are targets of assassination plots to get them out of this world. Even at that, very many of them are more than determined to continue to be that little light in a darkened world.

Fear of the unknown and ignorance are the driving forces that make people do wrong things. Such people are discouraged by the many frustrations they encounter on a daily basis in trying to eke out a living. After a while, they cannot withstand the pressure to become insincere and soon start the journey to selfishness not caring who is hurt along the way.

On the other hand, faith, courage and determination are the driving forces that keep the person of integrity on the right path. The person of integrity has the fear of God in him or her and is not willing to compromise that for anything. Such individual derives a sense of joy and inner peace from doing what is right as long as it pleases God and is in tune with God’s word.

In the midst of challenges, such individual turns to God for help having realised that only God can do the impossible. The parable of the Sower as my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ told his disciples in Matthew 13:1-9 and further explained in verses 18-23 of the same chapter aptly describes all I have said here.

If you want to achieve in any endeavour of life, you must have integrity, the fear of God and trust in His word as those qualities would open many doors of opportunities for you in the midst of so much negativism in this world. There is really nothing to gain from wrong doing but a lot to gain from being a person of integrity.

I end this article with the words of my Lord and Saviour Jesus in Matthew 6:31-34, “So do not start worrying: ‘Where will my food come from? or my drink? or my clothes? These are things the pagans are always concerned about. Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what he requires of you, and he will provide you with all these other things.

So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings”.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!