Monday, June 26, 2006

Create A Vision Of Your Heart's Desires

Last week, I wrote on how to create million dollar ideas solving human problems of whatever type in any endeavor you are passionate about. I believe since reading that piece, you've taken time to note the problems affecting humans and have come to realize that a solution does exist for any problem.

Resolve today to become a problem solver and not a person who complains about problems. You'd be amazed at how easily ideas prop into your mind.

When you have a passion about something you really want to achieve in life, one of the things you need to do to keep that fire burning is to create a vision in your mind on your intended achievement.

You really need to do this because times would surely come when events and circumstances want to make you discard that dream. I will always remind you to never forget the power of the human mind - if this is your first time reading a post on this blog, I advise you take time to study the posts from the very first one on this wealth secrets blog to understand what is being said in every other post because there is a link in all of them.

Creating a vision in your mind makes you see clearly what you are bent on attaining. It is usually done with the aid of the imagination. I believe you have at one time or the other in the past used your imagination to see things that do not yet exist and then wished it were so the way it was created in your mind.

The human imagination makes it possible for you to create and see things in your mind's eye. It is usually more effective when you have no distractions, which means a quiet place would be most ideal to exercise your mind. As an example, let's suppose your one dream is to become a star musician with fame that spans several continents.

At the time in question, you have no idea how to start and get things done. However, in your mind's eye using your imagination with your eyes closed, you can see yourself performing to a very large audience who cheer and applaud you continuously.

As simple as this process sounds, it is the same process used by men and women of great achievement. It is the vision of what they want to attain created with the aid of their imagination that drives them with determination and nothing, absolutely nothing is an obstacle to them.

Again, such individuals have come to the realization that the thoughts that DOMINATE one's conscious mind would eventually find its way to the subconscious mind and then find a way of manifesting in the physical.

The last two posts on this blog talk about creating plans for your million dollar ideas. Creating a vision of what you want to achieve in your mind keeps you focused on the activities you need to undertake on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Whenever problems arise, rather than complain and give up, you think of ways of solving them because you know and understand that your dream is attainable since your vision gives you the picture of it in your mind. And you equally understand the importance of putting this picture as the dominating one on your mind.

There you have another wealth secret! I want to state a very important point here. You should not, however, be bothered if initially when you try creating a vision of your heart's desire using your imagination you find it difficult seeing what you most sincerely desire.

It comes with CONSTANT practice and when it does, it takes you a step closer to attaining what you sincerely desire. Start today to create a vision of what you sincerely desire in the manner described in this post, whilst carrying out your plans toward attaining it.

It would cost you absolutely nothing in terms of money to form the habit, but the benefits far outweigh whatever effort put into trying to attain the habit. And with this, anything you put your mind and effort into achieving, including building a multi-billion dollar business empire, is attainable.

More wealth secrets next week.

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama.
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

Monday, June 19, 2006

How To Create Million Dollar Ideas

Last week, we spoke about creating a plan to set you on the path to achieving your life's ambition. Such plans we said come in the way of an inspiration that we have to commence without delay.

I also promised talking about other ways of creating ideas. That way is simply helping people to solve their problems. Zig Ziglar, master salesman and motivational speaker said "you can have whatever you want in life if only you can help others get what they need."

For those who have a mind set that is 'me', 'myself' and 'I', this statement from Ziglar makes but little sense. But look all around you at those who have made immense wealth in life GENUINELY. All they've done is simply solve people's problems.

Let me give you concrete examples to buttress my point. Henry Ford, with very little formal education helped solve the problem of motor car affordability by mass-producing his Ford model T car at an affordable cost to majority of his people. He made immense wealth in the process.

Orville and Wilbur Wright, two virtually unknown brothers of little education solved the problem of long distance travel within a shorter time period through air travel and also created a fortune in the process.

Mc Donalds was created to provide fast food to America's busy working population and that idea produced and continues to produce fortunes for their owners.

Thomas Edison, who had only three months of formal schooling and had to be sent away because no one except his mother had faith in him and his abilities, solved people's problems through several inventions like the Edison Dictating Machine, the incandescent bulb and so on. He equally made a fortune in the process.

Need I go on? In modern times, we have Bill Gates, a Harvard Business School drop out and owner of Microsoft, who has solved several human problems of information and communication through creation of several softwares and hardwares and is one of the world's wealthiest men.

The google search engine on the internet, created by two college graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin to solve the problem of information retrieval on the internet in a faster way has turned its owners into billionaires.

So what's the common thing about all these names mentioned above? They simply looked at human problems and ways of doing things at the time and proffered a solution and made fortunes in the process.Notice also that I deliberately mentioned the fact that most of the men named had but little formal education. What they had was the ability to look at human problems and create ways of solving them. Its that simple.

Recall I quoted a saying by Napoleon Hill in one of my last posts that "whatever the human mind can conceive and believe is achievable." It means these men conceived their ideas and believed it was achievable. So it is with just anyone on this earth.

You equally have the same ability, if you would just put your mind to work and conceive ways of solving human problems. It could be in anything you want. Human beings have several problems that plague them on a daily basis.
The problems between those who achieve and those who do not is that while achievers come up with ways of solving those problems by thought and belief and making fortunes in the process, non-achievers spend time complaining about those same problems.

There you have another wealth secret! Take a hard look at your environment with the eyes of a problem solver. There is a problem or a current way of doing things that could be done faster. It could be in just about anything - transportation, accommodation, internet, clothing, software, hardware, telecommunications, toys, etc, etc.

Come up with an idea that solves the problem or makes the process faster. Believe it is achievable and you are well on your way to making millions.

More wealth secrets next week.

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama.
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Create A Plan To Achieve Your Heart's Desires

If you have been following the posts on this wealth secrets blog, by now you must have a definite desire as the dominating thought on your mind.

You also would have written down that desire and keep reciting it with faith or emotion and conviction every single day since you now understand and are convinced on how dominating thoughts of your mind affect your life, first in the spiritual and then in the physical.

If you are yet to do all this, what are you waiting for? You really think it is not possible? Perish that thought please! No one in this world was created to be poor. It is those who keep poverty and failure thoughts as dominating on their minds that get that exact result in the physical!

Those who keep thoughts of wealth and success as dominating on their minds also get the same result in the physical. So when you keep thoughts of your innermost desires on your heart, what next?

You MUST create a plan aimed at achieving your life's desire and begin working at it at once! That should not stop you from reciting your written statement of that you wish to achieve in life. The two must work hand in hand.

The next question you may want to ask is, how do I create a plan since I have no money? Let me tell you here and now as clearly stated by author John Maxwell, "what is important is not what happens TO you but what happens INSIDE you."

Catch the gist? Its exactly the message I'm passing across to you. Your thoughts are more important than your present circumstances. Good enough, if you've followed my advice so far with the posts on this blog, you already have a definite aim in life.

As far as this blog is concerned, I sincerely believe your aim is to achieve wealth beyond your imagination.

The beauty of the process of creating a plan towards achieving it is that your faith in your ability to achieve what you desire in life would make your subconscious mind throw back a plan or plans to you in the form of a "hunch" or an "inspiration" as stated by author Napoleon Hill. That is where you should begin from.

Of course if you cast your mind to the past, sometime in your life, you've had a hunch about something, whether good or bad. And it came to pass. In the current case, what you want is wealth or riches or something else you truly desire.

As long as your thoughts are focused on that you wish to achieve, a hunch or an inspiration is sure to come to you on a plan or plans of action, particularly at quiet moments when your mind is fully concentrated on what you want.

Begin at once to put the plan or plans into action and keep working at it. One important thing I will like to mention here is that there are times when it appears that things are not going the way you want.

Please do not think it will not happen, for it surely will. There are times when you will feel like giving up. That is where most people miss the point and then miss what they had almost gotten as their innermost desire in life.

You must have heard the very popular saying "Winners NEVER quit and quitters NEVER win."
When you understand this simple fact of life, your mind should be focused on your heart's desire for that is what will keep you going and make you find a solution to the situation.

Remember, EVERY situation has a solution. All you have to do is critically review your plan or plans and take time to modify it and come up with a solution.

If the plan or plans are not taking you in your desired direction, then you need to review it and come up with one that will take you there. But the most important thing is to keep focused on your destination, for you will surely get there when you keep moving with your plan.

As a French Sage once said, " There are no hopeless situations; there are only men and women who have grown hopeless about the situation."

I will end by also telling you that there are other ways to create such ideas. But that is a topic for next week.

More wealth secrets next week!

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama.
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Warding Off Negative Influences From Reaching Your Mind (2)

Again, like I stated in my last post and as you can see from the preceding statement, it all begins with the human mind. Whatever idea your mind is able to conceive and believe is achievable.

It has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with your level of education, your current financial status (whether poor or rich), your family background, who you know, etc, etc. It has EVERYTHING to do with you and the state of your mind.

If you conceive an idea in your mind and you believe it by faith that it is achievable, it then means that you and only you can control the thoughts that reach your conscious mind and from there to the subconscious regarding your idea.

Please note that once you allow negative influences to take over your mind either consciously or unconsciously, those thoughts would find their way to the subconscious mind and MUST find a way of expressing the results in the physical.

The next logical question to ask is, how do I ward off or prevent negative influences from reaching my conscious mind? The thing you have to do is first, write down what it is that you want to achieve in life. Please be definite about it.

Put it in writing and place it where you can see it everyday and repeat it to yourself everyday, in the morning, at times during the day and just before you retire to bed at night.

For everytime you repeat the words you have written down of what you intend to achieve in life, say it with conviction in your heart that you can achieve it. This simply means the words must be filled with faith or emotion.

After sometime, you will have memorized it and that would help you say it also during the course of the day.

Another important thing to do is to interact more with people who will encourage you in the direction of your heart's desire. I have not asked you to cut off from loved ones, friends and acquaintances who do not buy your idea on your intentions.

What you will do is to discuss all other things with them EXCEPT your desire or idea in order to prevent them from trying to fill and influence your mind negatively with their comments.

Even where they raise the issue of your innermost desire, do not get into an argument that would leave you sour or bitter with doubts ( a negative emotion that will find its way into your conscious mind and then to your subconscious mind).

You have to become quietly rebellious within your mind on your idea for the simple reason that you have come to the clear understanding that the road to wealth begins with an idea or desire conceived in one's mind and that that thought of the idea or desire is achievable ONLY where there is absolute belief or conviction on your part that it is achievable.

Thirdly, you will have to, as a serious plan, read more of inspirational books and listen to inspirational tapes because they contain amazing stories of individuals who have tread a similar path of achievement as you intend and who inspite of the challenges, were able to surmount them and achieve their aim.

In the stories contained in those tapes and books you would see exactly the same message being conveyed in this blog: desire, faith, conviction, challenges, courage, persistence and achievement.

Fourthly, you have to begin a study of sacred scriptures because contained in it are inspirational messages that lift one's spirit and builds up one's confidence, courage and faith in whatever you intend to achieve in life.

A bible story of faith and courage could be seen about Abraham and his son Isaac. God made a promise to Abraham when he was 75 years old that he would give him descendants as many as the stars of the sky (Genesis 12: 1-4).

Again God reminded Abraham of the promise when Abraham was 85 years old (Genesis 15: 1-6). Verse 6 of that chapter states that "Abraham had faith in the Lord, and it was put to his account as righteousness."

God reminded him again when Abraham was 90 years old (Gen 17:1-16) and then fulfilled the promise when Abraham was 100 years old (Gen. 21:1-5). Abraham's real test of courage and faith came when God asked him to take his ONLY son Isaac and offer as a sacrifice. Abraham trusted completely in God and without any doubt took Isaac to offer as a sacrifice.

God then provided a ram for the sacrifice, but Abraham's faith was confirmed and it counted for him! (Gen. 22: 1-14). Another story of immense courage is seen between a young inexperienced shepherd boy David and an experienced soldier Goliath who was defeated by the immense faith and courage displayed by David! (1 Samuel 17:4-53).

If you have fully understood from the last 2 posts on this blog how the human mind works, you would understand the importance of the message conveyed here.

Finally, I urge you to read the message of the last 2 posts and also pay attention to other messages in this blog. You will be glad you did.

More wealth secrets next week!

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama.
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!