Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Warding Off Negative Influences From Reaching Your Mind (1)

A great wealth secret was revealed in the last 2 posts on this blog. I really wonder how many people would take what was said there seriously and begin to implement it.

Anyway, one thing about humans is that they rarely take seriously things of value that are offered freely to them. If I were to write an e-book using the same topics on this blog and offer it for sale at a price of $500 per copy, I'm too sure the book would become a best seller.

The price would make people attach immense value to the information contained in the e-book! Anyway, the aim of this blog is for those who have open minds to put into practice the advice given here and see for themselves what unimaginable results they would acquire with time.

I needed to say all this because as you can see from the topic of today's post, we are surrounded all the time by negative influences that do not have any difficulty in reaching our subconscious minds for as long as they remain the main thoughts on our conscious minds.

It is important to point out sources of negative influences so that we can understand how to ward them off and keep ONLY positive thoughts on our minds.

One major source of negative influences is usually from the well-meaning advice and talk of our immediate family, relatives, friends and acquaintances. 

Examples of such advice could come when one is about to undertake a venture that he/she believes would be a success.

The mere mention of this proposed undertaking to loved ones and acquaintances would elicit comments and responses such as:

(a) "are you sure it would work?"

(b) "others have tried this thing before you and failed; what makes you think you would succeed if you also tried it?"

(c) "nobody has ever tried that before; why not forget this crazy idea of yours and find something more useful to do with your time!"

Another source of negative influences could be from the talk of the so called experts. When athletes used to compete for the 100 metres race in the early years of the modern Olympic games, Experts in sports said nobody would be able to finish the 100 metres race in less than 10 seconds.

We are all witnesses to the fact that at the finals of the last Olympic games in Athens, Greece in 2004, five men finished the same 100 metres race in less than 10 seconds.

When Henry Ford started work on his V-8 engine, the men who worked for him said it could never be done on the same engine block. Ford told them to go ahead and produce it. For over a year his engineers struggled to get it done and eventually achieved it.

We are also witnesses to the fact that today, there are vehicles that carry a 12-cylinder or V-12 engine in one block!

Just what am I trying to convey with these examples? I borrow from the statement of legendary author Napoleon Hill where he said "whatever the human mind can conceive and believe is achievable."

.......................To be continued next week

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Training Your Mind For Success (2)

Or better still, cast your mind back to an incident where you or someone you knew was so scared of something negative happening that it eventually did happen! Or of something positive you or that person really, really wanted to happen and again, it did happen!

I'm too sure you will be able to remember at least one such incident. I will give you an example that happened to me personally. Sometime in 1990 when I had just finished high school and I was waiting to enter the University, I found myself developing feelings for a neighbour of mine.

Prior to this time, I never used to interact with her except for the usual greetings as neighbours. The feelings I had were so intense that what I used to do then was to lie down on a long sofa in our sitting room and begin to fantasize about her.

I continued this process of fantasizing about her every now and then (I must admit that then I NEVER knew the power and effect of keeping a dominating thought on one's mind) until in 1993 when I then asked her for a relationship to which she agreed.

It simply means I achieved my heart's desire on that particular issue. I must equally admit that there was an obstacle to my having a relationship with her then because she had strong feelings for my elder brother. However, I was determined to win her heart and I succeeded in doing that.

What I have described on the preceeding paragraphs as my own personal experience shows that anyone who keeps a thought on his or her mind with strong faith and believe on a definite purpose will surely achieve his or her purpose against all odds.

Notice also that it took me about three (3) years to achieve my purpose. Again, what this means is that I believed I was going to get what I wanted ( a relationship with my neighbour) and I was persistent with this thought and eventually got it against all odds.

Infact, it would interest you to note that the day I asked her for a relationship, I did not mince words in my request. I was definite.

There is a very important point to note here. Because of the nature of the world we live in and the challenges we face everyday, negative thoughts find their way into our conscious mind and then subconscious mind easily to give the result we would rather not want.

On the other hand, you need to train yourself to acquire the habit of positive thoughts through repetition and practice by saying with emotion or faith (as stated in my last post) every singe day what you want to achieve in life.

This then allows for the strongly desired positive thoughts, as a practiced and acquired habit, to become a part of your mind to produce the desired results you want. If you do not have a strong desire for that dream, it simply means you don't believe you can achieve it.

It is when you believe you can achieve it against all odds that it becomes and remains a positive thought in your mind.

What I have revealed to you today is the biggest wealth secret you will lay your hand on in this life of ours. And that is, that the road to wealth, riches or whatever you want to achieve in life begins with your thought process.

I will conclude by borrowing from a statement by author John Maxwell with a modification: Regardless of your current situation in life, be careful what you put on your mind, for it will surely come true.

More wealth secrets next week.

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama.
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Training Your Mind For Success (1)

Many of us go through life with several thoughts on our minds every second, everyday. Some of these thoughts are seldom positive and mostly negative.

The reason for this is quite simple: we have many issues to deal with everyday of our lives - food, house rent, clothing, spouses, siblings, relatives, friends, car, health bills, school bills, examination, power bills, water bills, etc.

What if you were told that the thoughts of your mind determine the course of your life, would you make extra effort to fill your mind with positive thoughts only? Or would you just dismiss the talk as another one of those make believe tales by man?

One of the earliest records of how thoughts affect our lives is seen in Sacred scripture. Proverbs 23:6-7 states "Do not take food of him who has an evil eye, or have any desire for his delicate meat; for as the thoughts of his heart are, so is he: take food and drink, he says to you; but his heart is not with you".

The words of our Lord Jesus Christ states it even more clearly in Matthew 5:28, "But I say to you that everyone whose eyes are turned on a woman with desire has had connection with her in his heart". Notice the use of the word DESIRE in that statement.

Research into the lives of many successful individuals reveal that their thought pattern were all the same - their minds were filled with desire for a definite purpose which they eventually achieved against all odds.

This, of course, was regardless of their circumstances at the beginning; you would see this fact for yourself if you study the life history of most of the world's wealthiest individuals that shows that many of them had nothing financially or had little or no formal schooling too when they started.

Names like Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Michael Dell, Edward Barnes, etc readily come to mind as case studies to confirm this truth.

If you truly understood the connection between the human mind and physical reality, you would begin TODAY to fill your mind with positive thoughts and a strong desire on whatever you intend to achieve in life.

The preceding statement explains why many go through life feeling miserable and just wishing for success that never shows up. Its simply because their minds were filled with negative or the wrong thoughts most of the time.

What you should understand is this: the human mind has a conscious and a subconscious part of it. You can control the conscious mind by your own control of the kind of thoughts that go into it. What you cannot control is your subconscious mind that works automatically even as you read this.

Please note as a very important point that the subconscious mind DOES NOT distinguish between positive or negative thought.

Therefore, any thought, positive or negative that you yourself allow to enter your conscious mind automatically finds its way into your subconscious mind where it becomes spiritual and guess what? the subconscious minds processes that thought and returns a result in the physical life.

Since this is the case, it simply means that positive thoughts on wealth and riches will return a positive result in the physical after processing in the subconscious mind, and negative thoughts on fear and poverty will equally return a negative result in the physical after processing in the subconscious mind.

If you still doubt this, I will again remind you of the eternal truths of sacred scripture that buttresses my point. Again, research into the lives of highly successful individuals has proven this point.

.............To Be Concluded Next Week

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Power of Words in Our Lives

An uncle of mine narrated an incident that happened a long time ago. He was driving when his car suddenly developed a fault and stopped, thereby causing a traffic hold-up.

While he was battling to push the car out of the road to make way for free flow of traffic, a young man suddenly walked up to him and told him to get his car out of the road, calling him an old man in the process.

My uncle, an elderly man, did not utter a word but he also was not happy with the insults from the younger man.

The young man still continued with his insults and shouting at my uncle to get his car out of the way and still called him a foolish old man. When my uncle could no longer stomach the insults, he turned to the young man and said, "May you never see old age".

The young man insulted my uncle one more time and then made to cross the road. Just then a truck was coming and it knocked the young man down, killing him instantly. Would you call that a coincidence? Just hold on.

Another true story was told involving a mother and her son who had done something wrong that made his mother angry. The angry mother then ran after her child to beat him and said at the same time, "By the time I get you, you will be dead".

As she ran after her son, the boy made to cross the road to escape from his mother and a car coming with speed knocked him down and killed him. True to the mother's words, she caught up with her son who was now dead.

Better believe it, the two stories above represent real incidents that show us the power of the words we speak every time we open our mouths. Sacred scripture tells us the words of our Lord Jesus Christ in the gospel of St. Mark 11: 23 and I quote, "I assure you that whoever tells this hill to get up and throw itself in the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him".

The book of James 3:7-10 also states, "Man is able to tame and has tamed all other creatures- wild animals and birds, reptiles and fish. But no one has ever been able to tame the tongue. It is evil and uncontrollable, full of deadly poison.

We use it to give thanks to our Lord and Father and also to curse our fellow-man, who is created in the likeness of God. Words of thanksgiving and cursing pour out from the same mouth. My brothers, this should not happen".

Do you see the link between the second scripture quotation above and the two true stories told above? Note also, in both cases the people who spoke the words said it when they were angry (emotion involved). There you have another wealth secret: the words we speak with our mouths from within the depths of our hearts on issues affecting us.

If there is something you truly desire, speak it out with your mouth with conviction and do not doubt in your heart that it can happen, and it will surely happen.

However, I also want you to note something very important. The problem with most people is that they say something positive with their mouths one minute and sometime or some day later, they say something negative on the SAME issue, thereby cancelling out the positive comment on the matter. And they then wonder why they are yet to receive what they proclaimed.

Some others say positive things without any emotion or faith and they also do not receive it because it can ONLY work when the words are said with emotion or faith. Sacred scripture defines faith as "being certain of things we cannot see, being sure of things we hope for". It simply means you are definitely convinced that thing you say or said will happen.

The message is clear: if there is any one thing you desire in life, you have to say it in words, say it with emotion or faith, and say it consistently and it will surely come to pass.

Anything said to the contrary on that same issue will cancel it out and it will not happen. Consistency is the watchword here in positively proclaiming the things we desire in life.

More wealth secrets next week.

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama.
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Starting Point of ALL Achievement

There are times when you see something you really, really wished were yours but at the time you could not get it because of finance or something other reason. 

There are those times when you dream of a vacation to a place you saw on television and you day-dream most part of the day but again, due to finance or other reason you are not able to go on the vacation.

Or its a school you've heard others say so many nice things about and you wished you could someday become a student of the institution. 

Of course, there are also those times when you've been able to achieve that which you had always dreamed of and you look back at the whole process leading to the achievement and the achievement itself with a sense of accomplishment.

Do me a favour please. Try and look back to recall in your mind’s eye any one time you were able to achieve something you dreamed of and you had to give it all your best effort and zeal before achieving it.

By now you may see a consistent point I'm trying to make. The point is, the starting point of ALL achievement is DESIRE. If you were able to recall an important achievement you had sometime back, you would also recall that it all started with a desire for that thing. 

The truth is, if you do not desire something, do know now that you will not be able to achieve it. The reason is quite simple. You can only focus on what you desire before making any effort to achieve it. No desire, no focus, no effort, no achievement. Period.

However, there are other important points I have to raise here. If you desire something, you must add to that desire, drive and determination and also the belief that you can achieve it. 

Again, look at the process leading to that achievement of yours very closely. You will notice that you had to give a lot in your determination to get and until you got it, you never doubted your ability to achieve it.

In what I’ve just described lies one of the greatest wealth secrets you probably never knew of before now. If you follow this simple rule, then you are on your way to a world of achievements and accomplishments. 

If you cannot recall any one achievement where it took so much drive and determination from you before accomplishment, just take time and study the lives of successful individuals from books and other sources. Your findings will reveal just what I've said in this piece.

Desire something, believe you can achieve it, cultivate drive and determination and there is no stopping you on what you can accomplish.

It is when you begin to waiver and have doubts in your mind that your dreams begin to fade. If you are consistent in your drive and determination, you will achieve that you wished were yours, no matter what it is.

Begin now to apply this secret I've revealed to you and watch what happens. Watch out next week for more wealth secrets.

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama.

About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!