Saturday, August 28, 2010

Develop Multiple Income Streams

It is a fact that most wealthy individuals have been known to grow their wealth from more than one source. No matter what it is you are pursuing in life, at some point or the other, you will have to look at other areas of endeavour to increase your income.

Now this somehow sounds contradictory to last week’s posting, “Be definite, Be purposeful” where I mentioned the need for one to focus on one endeavour and not jump from one activity to the other because it would led to nowhere.

If you look again at the first paragraph of today’s post, you would see I said at some point or the other one would have to look at other areas of endeavour to increase one’s income. 

Simply put, what this means is that there will come a time, having done all I have advised on this blog as true wealth secrets, when the income from that one endeavour would grow more than one’s expenses and there would now be need to invest the additional income into other areas.

A reader here may be tempted to ask, why expand into other investments when the first source is still producing income that has outgrown one’s expenses? 

This is a beautiful question to ask; however, it is important to note here that the beauty of having multiple income streams is that when one source experiences a challenge then depending on the nature of the challenge, the other income streams will continue to take care of the individual’s needs while the person sorts out the challenge.

If on the other hand the challenge is such that no additional income can come from there anymore, then the individual’s other income streams would come in handy. A typical example of this is seen in Sports people. 

Whether they like it or not, a time comes when younger and more sought after individuals would take over the scene and the older ones would have to make way for them to avoid embarrassment and disgrace.

Another group of individuals that fit in here are employees of organisations. Unless you own the organization or it is a family business, there will come a time when the company would release you for varied reasons ranging from looking for more skilled folks, redundancy, economic downturn as is being witnessed globally since last year and so on and so forth.

Anyone who has been affected by a layoff without an additional income source usually has tales of hardship and woe to tell. However, the individual who had created other income streams while in paid employment would not be so affected.

Thus, I believe the point is now clear to see the benefits of having multiple income streams; so the time to start is now, not later. I can almost hear someone scream, “how can I start when I don’t have any money?” Good question again; however, please note that for most people, this is the very reason they give for never starting anything.

You just cannot spend up all your income on expenses because you think it is never enough. What you need to do is look at your expenses critically, get rid of those that are not necessary, and then begin to save the extra money realised until it grows into something substantial for investment.

………………………to be continued.

© copyright Gabriel Ama

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Be Definite, Be Purposeful

Napoleon Hill stated in his book Think and Grow Rich, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe is achievable”. This is a very powerful statement, considering the fact that so many people believe their ability to achieve in life is linked to something external, something extraordinary that must first happen. Now the word “whatever” as used by Napoleon Hill here simply means “anything” without restrictions.

Napoleon Hill says as long as you can conceive whatever idea that comes to your mind and simply believe it, then you can achieve it. This statement is indeed also a pointer to the barrage of inventions that man has been able to churn out repeatedly time and again. Just when you think nothing else could be done, we hear of a new invention. The human mind as given to us by God is indeed a wonder!

If one understands the preceding paragraphs, then one would see that you don’t have to jump from one activity to another all in a bid to make it in life. You have to first conceive the idea in your mind, believe it and then work at achieving because you will achieve it no matter how long it takes and as long as you don’t give up.

Sacred Scripture states in James 1: 5-8, “but if any of you lacks wisdom, he should pray to God, who will give it to him; because God gives generously and graciously to all. But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea driven and blown about by the wind. A person like that, unable to make up his mind and undecided in all he does, must not think that he will receive anything from the Lord”.

This passage of scripture reminds me of someone I know who will talk with so much enthusiasm about a new business, start it and a few weeks down the line begin talking about some other project when the present one isn’t bringing out the millions he is expecting.

This person has moved from one idea to the next, to the next, to the next and so on and so forth without really achieving anything. That is the very essence of this write up: you have got to be definite in your objective. You cannot afford to move from one idea to another just because the first isn’t going the way you expected.

If this is your current habit, then I urge you going forward to desist from this because you just may never achieve anything with this style. Being definite means you’ve understood that nothing good comes easy. You must be willing to keep moving until you begin to see results.

If you give up and move from one idea to the next, what real lessons would you learn? All you would be doing will be like trying to win a jackpot without learning how to run a business or have the endurance to achieve a purpose in life.

As Napoleon Hill also said, you must have a definiteness of purpose and as Sacred Scripture has said, you have to be decided in what you want out of life. That is the hallmark of achievement. Anything short of this will be a recipe for disaster.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Generosity Works!

One great wealth secret some folks practice is the act of generosity – they give and give and give. Kindly take note however, that this giving may not always be monetary. You can give anything of value to anyone who needs it.

Giving could be of your time, money, talent, gifts, shoes, clothes, books, etc etc. What most folks have discovered in this simple act of generosity is that the giver always almost receives a multiple fold of what has been given.

Now the question is, should there be a particular time when giving is necessary and when it is not necessary? I ask because while for some giving is something that comes easy and natural to do, for others it could be a Herculean task.

There is really no time for giving; what is usually of importance is the giver’s disposition – are you giving because it is convenient to do so or out of an excess? Giving should be done from a heart that is genuinely out to help and not to be done grudgingly.

When you give from a genuine heart of help, it triggers Divine Providence to respond in similar fashion. On the other hand when one gives grudgingly, nothing of significance usually happens.

Evidence abound of individuals who have given genuinely and their businesses have grown in leaps and bounds – Oprah Winfrey of Harpo Productions Inc., Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Ted Turner of CNN, William H. Gates of Microsoft Inc. Others who have genuinely given of their time include late Mother Teresa, late Princess Diana, erstwhile American Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, actress Angelina Jolie.

It is important to equally point out here that some giving may not be right especially where the receiver has turned it into a drainpipe to milk the giver of their resources. In such cases when giving is monetary, the receiver wants to take advantage of the giver’s generosity and now becomes lazy, refuses to use the initial resources given and waits continuously for the giver to continue to give and give and give.

The giver should then become wise and stop giving in this situation because it is obvious the receiver is not really in need out of lack of options but just being damn lazy. Giving should therefore be to a genuinely needy person, who at that moment does not have the resource at hand; for instance an orphan in need of food or clothing, a poor student in need of books or finances, an individual trying to raise finances for a business proposal that he or she has taken time to put down on paper to show commitment, etc etc.

Take note that when I mentioned the individual requiring finances for a business proposal I stated that the person has taken time to put the proposal down on paper. What this simply means is that there must be something to show commitment on the part of this needy individual before the giver parts with his or her money so it does not turn into giving to a fraudster.

It could also be that the needy individual has evidence to show that some significant part of his or her financial resources has been committed to the project. This shows the person believes wholeheartedly in the project to be able to make such sacrifice while requiring additional funds.

The giver would usually not need to ask many digging questions before discovering the receiver’s genuine commitment to the project or not. If there is no evidence of genuine commitment, the giver should simply refuse to part with his or her hard-earned resources.

Finally, I want to reiterate a beautiful comment from John Maxwell about monetary giving, “don’t wait until your income changes; change your heart”. When you are fully engaged in the act of generous and genuine giving, you have fully understood that the rewards will come sometime some day soon.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!

Saturday, August 07, 2010

No Obstacle Should Stop You

At times when I hear or read about the amazing stories of achievement of a person, it leaves me to wonder if anyone really has an excuse for not achieving. Making excuses is one of the easiest things to do if one has not heard what another person has experienced on the road to success.

One story that baffles me and would equally baffle anyone is the story of Helen Keller. She was born normal but at just 19 months of age she had an illness that left her both deaf and blind; but this same lady through Divine providence eventually learnt how to read and went on to write several books.

Now take a closer look at this situation: a person both deaf and blind at 19 months long before she was able to learn the skill of reading and writing being able to write books. This means there was no sound around her and she could not see either. She could only speak.

Can you now stop and sit for a while and try to imagine in your mind’s eye what that means? If such a person had no excuse, then what excuse could anyone ever have as failure to achieve? Most people are unable to achieve because they feel one obstacle or another caused it.

The most common excuses you find people make is:

Ø       If only I had money
Ø       If only my parents were rich
Ø       If only I went to school
Ø       If only I had connection to know someone to help me
Ø       If only help came from the government
Ø       If only if only if only

A friend of mine told me recently that the government of the country where he presently resides provides its citizens with money for schooling, medical care and even unemployment benefits. However, he further said that even with these things, you still find some citizens refusing to go to school and expect their government to do much more and even everything for them.

Most governments in Africa hardly ever do anything for their citizens and yet the citizens wish help could just come from the government. I have given these two examples for all to see that no matter the kind of help that comes from government only few would be serious enough to make use of it to attain their goals, that is if they ever set any.

The story of Helen Keller should be more than an inspiration for anyone on the road to success. If you encounter an obstacle therefore, it should not mean that the end has come but rather it is an opportunity to raise your game and find a way around it.

Believe me when I say that no obstacle should stop you from achieving. The world is already filled with too many success stories to give anyone an excuse for failure to achieve. Go out there and ride your way to success.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
Click HERE to access insider secrets on how to start a business on Amazon, how to build it and profit from your efforts!