Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Warding Off Negative Influences From Reaching Your Mind (1)

A great wealth secret was revealed in the last 2 posts on this blog. I really wonder how many people would take what was said there seriously and begin to implement it.

Anyway, one thing about humans is that they rarely take seriously things of value that are offered freely to them. If I were to write an e-book using the same topics on this blog and offer it for sale at a price of $500 per copy, I'm too sure the book would become a best seller.

The price would make people attach immense value to the information contained in the e-book! Anyway, the aim of this blog is for those who have open minds to put into practice the advice given here and see for themselves what unimaginable results they would acquire with time.

I needed to say all this because as you can see from the topic of today's post, we are surrounded all the time by negative influences that do not have any difficulty in reaching our subconscious minds for as long as they remain the main thoughts on our conscious minds.

It is important to point out sources of negative influences so that we can understand how to ward them off and keep ONLY positive thoughts on our minds.

One major source of negative influences is usually from the well-meaning advice and talk of our immediate family, relatives, friends and acquaintances. 

Examples of such advice could come when one is about to undertake a venture that he/she believes would be a success.

The mere mention of this proposed undertaking to loved ones and acquaintances would elicit comments and responses such as:

(a) "are you sure it would work?"

(b) "others have tried this thing before you and failed; what makes you think you would succeed if you also tried it?"

(c) "nobody has ever tried that before; why not forget this crazy idea of yours and find something more useful to do with your time!"

Another source of negative influences could be from the talk of the so called experts. When athletes used to compete for the 100 metres race in the early years of the modern Olympic games, Experts in sports said nobody would be able to finish the 100 metres race in less than 10 seconds.

We are all witnesses to the fact that at the finals of the last Olympic games in Athens, Greece in 2004, five men finished the same 100 metres race in less than 10 seconds.

When Henry Ford started work on his V-8 engine, the men who worked for him said it could never be done on the same engine block. Ford told them to go ahead and produce it. For over a year his engineers struggled to get it done and eventually achieved it.

We are also witnesses to the fact that today, there are vehicles that carry a 12-cylinder or V-12 engine in one block!

Just what am I trying to convey with these examples? I borrow from the statement of legendary author Napoleon Hill where he said "whatever the human mind can conceive and believe is achievable."

.......................To be continued next week

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

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