Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Create A Plan To Achieve Your Heart's Desires

If you have been following the posts on this wealth secrets blog, by now you must have a definite desire as the dominating thought on your mind.

You also would have written down that desire and keep reciting it with faith or emotion and conviction every single day since you now understand and are convinced on how dominating thoughts of your mind affect your life, first in the spiritual and then in the physical.

If you are yet to do all this, what are you waiting for? You really think it is not possible? Perish that thought please! No one in this world was created to be poor. It is those who keep poverty and failure thoughts as dominating on their minds that get that exact result in the physical!

Those who keep thoughts of wealth and success as dominating on their minds also get the same result in the physical. So when you keep thoughts of your innermost desires on your heart, what next?

You MUST create a plan aimed at achieving your life's desire and begin working at it at once! That should not stop you from reciting your written statement of that you wish to achieve in life. The two must work hand in hand.

The next question you may want to ask is, how do I create a plan since I have no money? Let me tell you here and now as clearly stated by author John Maxwell, "what is important is not what happens TO you but what happens INSIDE you."

Catch the gist? Its exactly the message I'm passing across to you. Your thoughts are more important than your present circumstances. Good enough, if you've followed my advice so far with the posts on this blog, you already have a definite aim in life.

As far as this blog is concerned, I sincerely believe your aim is to achieve wealth beyond your imagination.

The beauty of the process of creating a plan towards achieving it is that your faith in your ability to achieve what you desire in life would make your subconscious mind throw back a plan or plans to you in the form of a "hunch" or an "inspiration" as stated by author Napoleon Hill. That is where you should begin from.

Of course if you cast your mind to the past, sometime in your life, you've had a hunch about something, whether good or bad. And it came to pass. In the current case, what you want is wealth or riches or something else you truly desire.

As long as your thoughts are focused on that you wish to achieve, a hunch or an inspiration is sure to come to you on a plan or plans of action, particularly at quiet moments when your mind is fully concentrated on what you want.

Begin at once to put the plan or plans into action and keep working at it. One important thing I will like to mention here is that there are times when it appears that things are not going the way you want.

Please do not think it will not happen, for it surely will. There are times when you will feel like giving up. That is where most people miss the point and then miss what they had almost gotten as their innermost desire in life.

You must have heard the very popular saying "Winners NEVER quit and quitters NEVER win."
When you understand this simple fact of life, your mind should be focused on your heart's desire for that is what will keep you going and make you find a solution to the situation.

Remember, EVERY situation has a solution. All you have to do is critically review your plan or plans and take time to modify it and come up with a solution.

If the plan or plans are not taking you in your desired direction, then you need to review it and come up with one that will take you there. But the most important thing is to keep focused on your destination, for you will surely get there when you keep moving with your plan.

As a French Sage once said, " There are no hopeless situations; there are only men and women who have grown hopeless about the situation."

I will end by also telling you that there are other ways to create such ideas. But that is a topic for next week.

More wealth secrets next week!

(c) copyright Gabriel Ama.
About the Author:

on the FREE  E-book that catapulted Gabriel Ama to immense success in
all aspects of his life including his fortunes!

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