Monday, January 14, 2008

Meditation Vs Worry

There is a similarity between meditation and worry. Both are derived from thought process and in turn affect the way we feel. 

The significant difference between them is that one is a constructive process for the conscious and subconscious minds while the other is a destructive process for both the conscious and subconscious minds.

When you engage in meditation, your mind dwells on issues for a number of reasons that could include reflecting on a past incident, reflecting on a current incident or reflecting on the future with a view to seeing what one can learn from them or trying to figure out a way of solving an issue.

In meditation, we look at the pros and cons of an issue but with a definite eye on finding a solution and ultimately finding one because every situation has a solution as has been proven over and over again in human existence.

Worry on the other hand involves seeing only the negative part of an issue and creating monsters of fear and doubt in one’s mind. The result? The mind becomes disarrayed in a state of frenzy…..confusion sets in and the person sees only the worst in what is happening. 

Worry destroys one’s ability to see things clearly and come up with a proper solution on an issue. 
Unfortunately, because the human mind responds to stimulus whether positive or negative and thereafter attracts the physical aspect of it, those fears created in the person’s mind would come to pass physically since they are the dominant emotions therein.

Most of the time, humans engage in worry rather than meditation, and this accounts for the unfortunately high number of people suffering all over the world…..if only they knew the difference between meditation and worry and engaged more in the former, how different their life’s situation would be.

Some people find it difficult to engage in meditation without worry because to them, you can only concentrate on both positive and negative things to be “realistic” and anyone engaged in only positive thoughts is not being “realistic”. So what does the word of God say about thought process? The book of Proverbs 4 verse 23 (Good News Bible) says, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts”.

Can you see that we are advised to be careful “how” we think? If our lives are shaped by our thoughts as sacred scripture says it is, then is it not wise for us to engage in positive thoughts? Do we then need to engage in negative thoughts to be realistic? I guess not since we know what the result will be physically! 

This simply means worry is destructive thinking while meditation is constructive and positive thinking. Being realistic as most people want to be means putting negative thoughts and emotions into one’s mind and what scripture says is the result one would get.

So as seen from the word of God in Proverbs 4:23, the only reality we get is what we focus our minds on, the thoughts that go on therein. 

Do begin today therefore to focus on meditation and not worry so that you can achieve all you desire because your thought process will get you the exact same results physically.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
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