Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Everyone Is Born A Champion

God is fair to every human being he created. Even though this statement is a fact, unfortunately, not everyone will agree with it.

If you are one such person who thinks God is unfair, at the end of this article, you will agree with me that God is, always has and always will be fair to everyone.

This is the reason I chose the title for this article: “Everyone is born a champion”.

We are all born under different circumstances in different societies in different parts of the world: some are born into real affluence and are able to get all they want that costs money.

Some are born into middle class homes where they are able to afford some good things of life while others are born into poverty where all they are used to is their parents inability to afford the basics of life – things as simple as food, shelter and clothing are a luxury for such individuals.

From records of achievements of men from all walks of life, history has proven over and over again that it is not the circumstances of the early days of your life that matter but what you are able to make out of it.

Men from poor homes and middle class homes are able to move from obscurity to become people of great wealth and influence. This leads me to believe that everyone is born a champion but only few are able to discover the real secret and use it well.

Some may be tempted to think that it is because such men from struggling backgrounds were able to be at the right place at the right time. This may be true but it would mean God is not fair to everyone and this would contradict my statement at the beginning of this piece.

Some may attribute this success to luck, connection, intellectual brilliance, hard work, determination, etc etc.

While on the surface this may appear true, there is something common to men who achieve legitimate wealth and success in life that demonstrates God’s love and fairness to all humans.

How do I know this? Let us look at Sacred scripture for the answers. In Genesis 1 in the story of creation, we see God creating things by word of mouth or by his command. God said and it happened over and over again.

Now in Genesis 1: 26a (Good News Bible), it is written, “Then God said, and now we will make human beings; they will resemble us”. Now the question is, in what way do humans resemble God? It is in the power to create by word of command. It is also in the spirit of man that is immortal or cannot die.

When someone dies physically, his spirit or soul never dies but goes back to the Creator, who is God.

Now since in one way we resemble God by ability to create by word of command, it means we can achieve or create whatever we desire in life by this means. So why does everyone not do it? And why is it that not everyone who knows and uses words of command is able to achieve?

The answer again, is found in Sacred Scripture. In Proverbs 4: 23, it is written, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts”. This means even when you say words, as long as your thoughts are not consistently focused on what you have said, your life will take the direction of your dominating thoughts.

This is the very reason why majority of people are struggling to get by in life. It is not because they don’t work hard enough or don’t have money or don’t have connections or enough opportunities, but it is because they don’t think the right thoughts to shape their lives in the right direction.

As the book of Proverbs has told us, it is your thoughts that have creative power no matter what your present circumstances are. Your thoughts can change everything for good if you would just learn how to use it properly.

We are told in Psalm 127:2, “It is useless to work so hard for a living, getting up early and going to bed late. For the Lord provides for those He loves, while they are asleep”.

If God provides for those He loves, then the question now is, who are those God loves? We find the answer again in the words of King David of Israel in Psalm 37:25, “I am an old man now; I have lived a long time, but I have never seen a good man abandoned by the Lord or his children begging for food”.

Everyone of age of reason should know who a good man is and so we know that the Lord provides for a good man. For those who still do not know, a good man is one who is not engaged in wrongdoing or anything that is contrary to God’s law.

If you are still having a hard time figuring out who a good person is, then it is someone whose words, actions or inactions DO NOT cause pain or hurt to others or to even him or herself.

A good person therefore thinks the right thoughts always and wishes everyone well including himself always. So it means the individual who is good and who thinks the right thoughts will always achieve whatever s/he sets out to do in life.

If you still think God is unfair, I have demonstrated to you that it is not your circumstances of life but your thoughts that determine the direction of your life.

Whether you are intelligent or someone considered unintelligent, rich or poor, it is your thoughts that shape your life even more than your actions. Anyone who is able to take control of his or her thoughts can use the creative power of word of command to achieve anything in life.

Do you still think God is unfair? You will have to change your thoughts to move ahead in life for everyone is born a champion not by their circumstances but by their dominating thoughts that move them in the direction of life they willingly choose themselves.

No matter your situation today, change your thinking and it will change your life. It’s that simple!

Now do you still think God is unfair? Compliments of the Season!

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
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