Sunday, June 27, 2010

Service, then Profit

Don’t try to take advantage of people; only ignorant folks do that. Everyday we see people doing the very opposite of this advice – people who want to profit from cheating others all in a bid to make money.

If only they understood the secret of success that lies in genuine service, they would stop short in their ignorance and begin to do the right thing. People are in need of solutions to their problems. The person who is able to provide solutions or services of value will profit.

He or she will profit because people are willing to pay especially for solutions that can change their situation almost immediately. Now this is where the problem lies. Some want to take advantage of another’s seemingly desperate situation to wreak havoc in the name of helping.

Humans experience a variety of challenges – financial, health, psychological, spiritual, etc,etc. If you want to profit, be genuinely committed to providing a solution to any of these problems. 

Do your researches, read books, listen to tapes, attend events where these issues are discussed and within a short while you would have become an expert whom those with such challenges would look forward to for help.

In providing the help, make sure not to promise what you cannot do; if anything, under promise and over deliver and that way the person or persons to whom you have rendered help will surely recommend your services to others. 

On the other hand if you over promise and under deliver, you come across as one with integrity problems and before long, the news of your insincerity would spread and you will lose customers in their thousands and eventually lose business.

Once again, I state categorically that you don’t have to take advantage of anyone or people to profit. Solve their challenges genuinely and you will surely profit.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
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