Sunday, August 15, 2010

Generosity Works!

One great wealth secret some folks practice is the act of generosity – they give and give and give. Kindly take note however, that this giving may not always be monetary. You can give anything of value to anyone who needs it.

Giving could be of your time, money, talent, gifts, shoes, clothes, books, etc etc. What most folks have discovered in this simple act of generosity is that the giver always almost receives a multiple fold of what has been given.

Now the question is, should there be a particular time when giving is necessary and when it is not necessary? I ask because while for some giving is something that comes easy and natural to do, for others it could be a Herculean task.

There is really no time for giving; what is usually of importance is the giver’s disposition – are you giving because it is convenient to do so or out of an excess? Giving should be done from a heart that is genuinely out to help and not to be done grudgingly.

When you give from a genuine heart of help, it triggers Divine Providence to respond in similar fashion. On the other hand when one gives grudgingly, nothing of significance usually happens.

Evidence abound of individuals who have given genuinely and their businesses have grown in leaps and bounds – Oprah Winfrey of Harpo Productions Inc., Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Ted Turner of CNN, William H. Gates of Microsoft Inc. Others who have genuinely given of their time include late Mother Teresa, late Princess Diana, erstwhile American Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, actress Angelina Jolie.

It is important to equally point out here that some giving may not be right especially where the receiver has turned it into a drainpipe to milk the giver of their resources. In such cases when giving is monetary, the receiver wants to take advantage of the giver’s generosity and now becomes lazy, refuses to use the initial resources given and waits continuously for the giver to continue to give and give and give.

The giver should then become wise and stop giving in this situation because it is obvious the receiver is not really in need out of lack of options but just being damn lazy. Giving should therefore be to a genuinely needy person, who at that moment does not have the resource at hand; for instance an orphan in need of food or clothing, a poor student in need of books or finances, an individual trying to raise finances for a business proposal that he or she has taken time to put down on paper to show commitment, etc etc.

Take note that when I mentioned the individual requiring finances for a business proposal I stated that the person has taken time to put the proposal down on paper. What this simply means is that there must be something to show commitment on the part of this needy individual before the giver parts with his or her money so it does not turn into giving to a fraudster.

It could also be that the needy individual has evidence to show that some significant part of his or her financial resources has been committed to the project. This shows the person believes wholeheartedly in the project to be able to make such sacrifice while requiring additional funds.

The giver would usually not need to ask many digging questions before discovering the receiver’s genuine commitment to the project or not. If there is no evidence of genuine commitment, the giver should simply refuse to part with his or her hard-earned resources.

Finally, I want to reiterate a beautiful comment from John Maxwell about monetary giving, “don’t wait until your income changes; change your heart”. When you are fully engaged in the act of generous and genuine giving, you have fully understood that the rewards will come sometime some day soon.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
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