Sunday, August 22, 2010

Be Definite, Be Purposeful

Napoleon Hill stated in his book Think and Grow Rich, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe is achievable”. This is a very powerful statement, considering the fact that so many people believe their ability to achieve in life is linked to something external, something extraordinary that must first happen. Now the word “whatever” as used by Napoleon Hill here simply means “anything” without restrictions.

Napoleon Hill says as long as you can conceive whatever idea that comes to your mind and simply believe it, then you can achieve it. This statement is indeed also a pointer to the barrage of inventions that man has been able to churn out repeatedly time and again. Just when you think nothing else could be done, we hear of a new invention. The human mind as given to us by God is indeed a wonder!

If one understands the preceding paragraphs, then one would see that you don’t have to jump from one activity to another all in a bid to make it in life. You have to first conceive the idea in your mind, believe it and then work at achieving because you will achieve it no matter how long it takes and as long as you don’t give up.

Sacred Scripture states in James 1: 5-8, “but if any of you lacks wisdom, he should pray to God, who will give it to him; because God gives generously and graciously to all. But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea driven and blown about by the wind. A person like that, unable to make up his mind and undecided in all he does, must not think that he will receive anything from the Lord”.

This passage of scripture reminds me of someone I know who will talk with so much enthusiasm about a new business, start it and a few weeks down the line begin talking about some other project when the present one isn’t bringing out the millions he is expecting.

This person has moved from one idea to the next, to the next, to the next and so on and so forth without really achieving anything. That is the very essence of this write up: you have got to be definite in your objective. You cannot afford to move from one idea to another just because the first isn’t going the way you expected.

If this is your current habit, then I urge you going forward to desist from this because you just may never achieve anything with this style. Being definite means you’ve understood that nothing good comes easy. You must be willing to keep moving until you begin to see results.

If you give up and move from one idea to the next, what real lessons would you learn? All you would be doing will be like trying to win a jackpot without learning how to run a business or have the endurance to achieve a purpose in life.

As Napoleon Hill also said, you must have a definiteness of purpose and as Sacred Scripture has said, you have to be decided in what you want out of life. That is the hallmark of achievement. Anything short of this will be a recipe for disaster.

© copyright Gabriel Ama.
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